DNS Trace Replay Client


dns-replay-client replays DNS queries against a real DNS server with correct timing. Optionally it can log the latency for each query, or the timing for each query and response. Multiple instances of dns-replay-client can work coordinately to replay large query stream with dns-replay-controller.


% dns-replay-client(1) % Liang Zhu liangzhu@isi.edu % October 5, 2018


dns-replay-client - replay DNS queries with accurate timing


dns-replay-client [-i FORMAT:PATH] [-o OUTPUT] [-s IP:PORT] [-r IP:PORT] [-n NUMBER] [-c TYPE] [-t TIMEOUT] [-l SECONDS] [-u] [-d] [-f] [-v] [-V] [-h] [-e]


dns-replay-client replays DNS queries against a real DNS server with correct timing. Optionally it can log the latency for each query, or the timing for each query and response. Multiple instances of dns-replay-client can work in coordination to replay large query stream with dns-replay-controller.

It deals with three different types of input format:

  • network trace: any format accepted by libtrace, such as pcap and erf file

  • plain text: a Fsdb file where each line contains data elements delimited by spaces. Each line of the input text file should be (time, source ip, query name, query class, query type, protocol).

  • customized raw binary: a DNS message with prepended message size. The DNS message is defined in dns_msg.proto, and is converted to binary by Google’s protocol buffer library.

dns-query-mutator can convert network trace files to raw files.

It is recommended to use raw input files when the input query rate is high, in order to achieve the actual query rate.

By default, dns-replay-client creates multiple processes to utilize parallelism of multi-core CPU settings.

By default, dns-replay-client loads all the input trace into memory. Option -l/--limit can preload limited seconds of traces to control RAM usage.


-i/--input FORMAT:FILE
input stream, format and file separated by colon like FORMAT:FILE. Accepted format: trace (network trace), text (plain text Fsdb), raw (customized binary). Use - as FILE to read from standard input. It is required without option -d.
-o/--output FORMAT:FILE
optional output file, format and file separated by colon like FORMAT:FILE. Accepted format: latency (output the latency of each query), timing (output the timing of each query and response). Use - as FILE to write to stdout.
-s/--server IP:PORT
server address and port, separated by colon, e.g.
-r/--controller IP:PORT
address and port to receive message from controller, e.g., required in distributed mode (-d)
-n/--num-workers NUMBER
specify number of worker processes. The default is the number of CPU cores.
-c/--connections TYPE
specify the type connection that the queries are send over. Accepted options: udp/tcp/tls/adaptive/raw
  • adaptive: query with protocol in input stream.

  • raw: send packets as UDP, replicating source IP and port, and TTL. Note that some input formats do not contain source port, and a random port will be used in these cases. You will need additional routing/filtering settings in your experiment to handle replies (see RAW.md).

  • tls has not been implemented yet.

-t/--timeout TIMEOUT
specify the timeout for tcp/tls connections, default is 30 seconds
-l/--limit SECONDS
preload seconds of trace, used to control memory consumption default is none (or any negative integer): read all in memory option ‘-f’ set this to none automatically
-Q/--query-limit NUMBER
specify the maximum number of queries to send. The default is to send all packets.
each worker uses one socket for all the UDP queries. By default it uses different sockets for different source IP.
distributed mode with reading input stream from controller. This requires dns-replay-controller running separately.
the fastest query replay rate: send input queries immediately without setup timer
print help message
verbose log; default is none. may be specified multiple times to increase verbosity of output.
show the program version
set EDNS in all queries (default is none)


Assume there are input files:


contains one UDP query and one TCP query for "www.isi.edu A".


#fsdb time src_ip qname qclass qtype protocol ttl src_port
1427330638.079111 www.isi.edu IN A udp 45 2122
1427330638.079222 www.isi.edu IN A tcp 32 19762


./dns-query-mutator -i trace:test.pcap -o raw:test.raw
  1. replay queries over UDP and output latency to file test.txt

     ./dns-replay-client -i text:test.fsdb -s -c udp -o latency:test.txt
     or use pcap input with -i trace:test.pcap
  2. replay queries over TCP and output the timing of reach query and response to stdout

     ./dns-replay-client -i text:test.fsdb -s -c tcp -o timing:-
  3. replay queries over the protocol given in the input

     ./dns-replay-client -i text:test.fsdb -s -c adaptive -o timing:-
  4. replay queries using raw sockets over UDP and output latency to file test.txt, set EDNS in each query

     ./dns-replay-client -i text:test.fsdb -s -c raw -e -o latency:test.txt
     or use pcap input with -i trace:test.pcap
  5. preload 15-second trace to control RAM usage

     ./dns-replay-client -l 15 -i raw:test.raw -s -c adaptive -o timing:-
  6. use standard input

     cat test.fsdb | ./dns-replay-client -i text:- -s -c adaptive -o latency:-
     cat test.pcap | ./dns-replay-client -i trace:- -s -c adaptive -o latency:-
     cat test.raw | ./dns-replay-client -i raw:- -s -c adaptive -o latency:-
  7. run in distributed mode

     assume dns-replay-controller is running at port 10053 on
     ./dns-replay-client -d -s -c adaptive -o timing:- -r


To build, type make.

Fedora: Required packages are: ldns-devel libtrace-devel libevent-devel protobuf-devel

Ubuntu: You may use install-client.sh to install required packages on Ubuntu. For server setup see RAW.md.


dns-replay-controller(1), dns-query-mutator(1), Fsdb(3)


  • 0.1, 2016-10-22: initial release
  • 1.0, 2018-10-05: Bug fixes and Beta release
  • TTL inclusion while DNS query-
  • 1.1, 2021-07-15: Support for raw connection type
  • Add –query-limit option