Dnsanon: extract DNS traffic from pcap to text with optionally anonymization


Dnsanon reads pcap files, extracts DNS traffic, and writes it to several plain-text tables (in Fsdb format). Optionally it anonymizes the IP addresses and queries.

Pre-built versions for RPM (Fedora, CentOS, REHL): see https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/antisi/antlab

  • dnsanon-1.12.tar.gz [SRPM] (2021-03-15); current release

    • Add -R/--rtt option to extract RTT from TCP connections, as inspired by the "Old But Gold" paper by Moura et al.

  • dnsanon-1.11-2.tar.gz [SRPM] (2019-05-23)

    • Bugfix (some files are empty if inline compression is enabled) (bugfix)
    • Added new option to force creation of emptyfiles, even if DNS packet data is absent (improvement)
    • Update DSC TCP reassembly code to the latest release v.2.8.1 (improvement)
    • Bugfix in limiting tcp list size when running in tcp-relax mode (bugfix)
    • Code restructure and cleanup (improvement)

  • dnsanon-1.9.tar.gz [SRPM] (2018-06-20)

    support install_static for a static libtrace and (default) install now is dynamic libaries

  • dnsanon-1.7.tar.gz [SRPM] (2017-09-19)

    add new -T option to report TTLs; bug fix: -o and -p; improve docs; ported to openssl-1.1

  • dnsanon-1.6.tar.gz [SRPM] (2016-09-13)

    fix to install process to correct install problem when not built in chroot

  • dnsanon-1.5.tar.gz (2016-07-18)

    adds functionality to limit and clean up idle TCP connections

  • dnsanon-1.4.tar.gz [SRPM] (2016-06-02)

    fixes a bug where -p Q failed to output messages with '_qr==1'

  • dnsanon-1.3.tar.gz [SRPM] (2016-05-20)

    Add option to write to stdout (with -o -)

  • dnsanon-1.2.tar.gz [SRPM] (2016-04-17)

    Fix build problem against ldns-devel-1.6.16 (such as for centos7).

  • dnsanon-1.1.tar.gz [SRPM] (2016-04-16)

    SRPM update.

  • dnsanon-1.1.tar.gz [SRPM] (2016-01-21)

    First public release.

Packages and libraries

We package dnsanon for Fedora/REHL/CentOS:

Building it under Fedora and CentOS requires libtrace, which provide as an external package at our libtrace package page.


% dnsanon(1) % Liang Zhu liangzhu@isi.edu, John Heidemann johnh@isi.edu % October 22, 2016


dnsanon - extract DNS queries and responses from network trace file to text files with optional anonymization


dnsanon [-p OPTION] [-a OPTION] [-k KEYFILE] [–pass4 BITS] [–pass6 BITS] [-i PATH] [-o PATH] [-f PREFIX] [-c CMP] [-t NUMBER] [-d NUMBER] [-l NUMBER] [-v] [-x] [-q] [-T]


Dnsanon reads network trace files (any format accepted by libtrace, including pcap and ERF), extracts DNS traffic, and writes it to several plain-text tables (in Fsdb format). Optionally it anonymizes the IP addresses, query names, or both.

About parsing:

  • Output format is tab-separated text with a one-line header.

  • Both UDP and TCP are supported.

About anonymization:

  • One might hope to write anonymized queries back to pcap, but unfortunately one can’t do that easily, because of label compression.

  • IP anonymization is done with the Cryptopan algorithm (prefix-preserving). Optionally, high bits of addresses can passed and low bits anonymized. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

  • query name anonymization is done component-by-component


-p/--parse OPTION
output format, available options are mqreQR: report DNS m)essages, and q)uestion and r)esponses sections, each as separate tables. Capital Q and R includes messages information to the question and response tables. Default is mqr (all three, non-unified)

Note that these options select what sections are reported, and not the status of the QR bit.

-a/--anon OPTION
anonymization, available options are id,addr,server-addr,client-addr,name,all (separated by comma)

id: DNS id in packet header

name: query and response content

addr: server address (server-addr) and client address (client-addr). Address with port 53 is identified as server address. If both src and dst port are 53, both of the address are anonymized (anonymized addresses are suffixed with *).

all: all of the above

-k/--key KEYFILE
specify the key file. KEYFILE is created if it doesn’t exist
--pass4 BITS
preserve BITS high bits of IPv4 addrsss as un-anonymized; default is 0, anonymizing all bits if anon is set
--pass6 BITS
similar to –pass4, but for IPv6 address
-i/--input PATH
specify input file path; required
-o/--output-path PATH
specify output path which should be directory; default is current directory. If given “-“ and the output is only one file, it will go to standard output. stdout (-) is incompatible with multi-file output. With stdout, -p is required and you can only specify one option for -p
-c/--compressor COMP
compressor, default is ‘/usr/bin/xz’, use “none” to disable
-f/--output-prefix PREFIX
prefix of the output file, default is timestamp of the first packet
verbose log; default is none
optimistically try TCP reassembly even without seeing TCP SYN
-t/--tcp-timeout NUMBER
specify timeout for idle TCP connections used in TCP reassembly, default is 60s. Longer idle TCP stream will be discarded. 0 for no timeout.
-l/--tcp-list-limit NUMBER
specify the size limit of internal list to keep track of tcp states for TCP reassembly, used to control memory consumption
output ‘Time To Live’ in IPv4 header or ‘Hop Limit’ in IPv6 header
output RTT calculated from the initial TCP handshake. RTT value is the same for all associated DNS messages in the same TCP connection. Output value is ‘-‘ if a handshake was not read or if the protocol is not TCP.
-d/--tcp-check-period NUMBER
specify the time period to clean up idle TCP connections, default is 60s
show empty query as ‘-‘ in unified query message (option -Q); otherwise, messages with empty query won’t show in the output


Assume test.pcap contains one DNS query and one response for “www.isi.edu A”.

Extracting Queries from a Trace to Text

  1. output query, responses and message sections (default)

     ./dnsanon -i test.pcap

    output files:

     1461102303.357871 is the timestamp for the first packet in the pcap file
  2. default output but with output file prefix and no compression

     ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test

    output files:

  3. output only query sections

     ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p q

    output file:


    with content:

     #fsdb -F t msgid id name type class
     1	  10888	     www.isi.edu. A	IN
     2	  10888	     www.isi.edu. A	IN
     # ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p q

    output fsdb schema:

     msgid: DNS message id in the network trace file
     id: the id in DNS header
     name: query name
     type: query type
     class: query class
  4. output only response sections

     ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p r

    output file:


    with content:

     #fsdb -F t msgid id section_name name type class ttl rdf_num rdata
     2     10888	 ANS		 www.isi.edu.	 A   IN	     1746	1
     2     10888	 AUT		 isi.edu.	 NS  IN	     7143	1	nitro.isi.edu.
     2     10888	 AUT		 isi.edu.	 NS  IN	     7143	1	vapor.isi.edu.
     2     10888	 AUT		 isi.edu.	 NS  IN	     7143	1	ns.east.isi.edu.
     2     10888	 AUT		 isi.edu.	 NS  IN	     7143	1	ns.isi.edu.
     2     10888	 ADD		 ns.isi.edu.	 A   IN	     28434	1
     2     10888	 ADD		 ns.east.isi.edu.    A	     IN		28434	1
     2     10888	 ADD		 nitro.isi.edu.	     A	     IN		128236	1
     2     10888	 ADD		 vapor.isi.edu.	     A	     IN		128236	1
     # ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p r

    the schema of that output (the meanings of each field):

     msgid: DNS message id in the pcap file
     id: the id in DNS header
     name: name of the resource records
     type: type of the resource records
     class: class of the resource records
     ttl: ttl of the resource records
     rdf_num: number of fields in rdata
     rdata: specific data of the resource records
  5. output only message information

     ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p m

    output file:


    with content:

     #fsdb -F t msgid time srcip srcport dstip dstport protocol id qr opcode aa tc rd ra z ad cd rcode qdcount ancount nscount arcount edns_present edns_udp_size edns_extended_rcode edns_version edns_z msglen
     1     1461102303.357871   59008 53 udp	 10888 0  0  0 0  1  001   0	   0	   1	   0	   0		0	      1			  4096	       0      0	0	48
     2     1461102303.362905   53 59008	 udp   10888 1 0  0  0	   1	   100	   0	   0	   1		1	      4			  4	       1      4096	0	0	0	207
     # ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p m

    The schema here:

     msgid: DNS message id in the pcap file
     time: time of the message in seconds with fractoins since the Unix epoch
     srcip: source IP address
     srcport: source port
     dstip: destination IP address
     dstport: destination port
     protocol:  the transport protocol: udp or tcp
     id: the id in DNS header
     qr: the query/repsonse bit from the DNS header, query is 0, response is 1
     opcode: the opcode field from the DNS header, 0: standard query, 1: invers, 2: status
     aa: the Authoritative Answer from the DNS header
     tc: the TrunCation bit from the DNS header
     rd: the Recursion Desired bit from the DNS header
     ra: the Recursion Availablebit from the DNS header
     z: the unused Z bit from the DNS header
     ad: the ad bit from the DNS header
     cd: the cd bit from the DNS header
     rcode: respons code
     qdcount: qd count from the DNS header
     ancount: an count from the DNS header
     nscount: ns count from the DNS header
     arcount: ar count from the DNS header
     edns_present: 1 if the packet has EDNS
     edns_udp_size: edns udp size
     edns_extended_rcode: edns extended rcode
     edns_version: edns version
     edns_z: edns z value
     msglen: dns message size
  6. output query sections with combined message information

     ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p Q

    output file:


    with content:

     #fsdb -F t msgid time srcip srcport dstip dstport protocol id qr opcode aa tc rd ra z ad cd rcode qdcount ancount nscount arcount edns_present edns_udp_size edns_extended_rcode edns_version edns_z msglen name type class
     1	1461102303.357871	59008	53	udp	10888	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	0	0	1	4096	0	0	0	48	www.isi.edu.	A	IN
     2	1461102303.362905	53	59008	udp	10888	1	0	0	0	1	1	0	0	0	0	1	1	4	4	1	4096	0	0	0	207	www.isi.edu.	A	IN
     # ../dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p Q


  1. anonymization

     ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p m -a all -k keyfile

    Full anonymization:

    IP is prefix-preserve anonymized and suffixed with *.

    ID in DNS header is encrpyted and output is base64 string.

    Each part of the names in resource records is encrpyted and output is base64 string.

    sample output files:


     #fsdb -F s msgid time srcip srcport dstip dstport protocol id qr opcode aa tc rd ra z ad cd rcode qdcount ancount nscount arcount edns_present edns_udp_size edns_extended_rcode edns_version edns_z msglen
     1 1461102303.357871* 59008* 53 udp GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4096 0 0 0 48
     2 1461102303.362905* 53* 59008 udp GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 1 4096 0 0 0 207
     # ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -p m -a all -k keyfile


     #fsdb -F s msgid id name type class
     1 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== hiALV6+e9T9ni1ZJyCD35Q==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== hiALV6+e9T9ni1ZJyCD35Q==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN
     # ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -a all -k keyfile


     #fsdb -F s msgid id section_name name type class ttl rdf_num rdata
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== ANS hiALV6+e9T9ni1ZJyCD35Q==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN 1746 1*
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== AUT kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. NS IN 7143 1 PoQD5IM57swzKjlFkC+OEw==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==.
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== AUT kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. NS IN 7143 1 Zw+bRwIuYctDLbA1SDVYGA==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==.
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== AUT kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. NS IN 7143 1 DswjzZnRq9/c5+jPctKr2Q==.ofRFtyXN6AeIHlBAb3SFCQ==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==.
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== AUT kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. NS IN 7143 1 DswjzZnRq9/c5+jPctKr2Q==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==.
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== ADD DswjzZnRq9/c5+jPctKr2Q==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN 28434 1*
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== ADD DswjzZnRq9/c5+jPctKr2Q==.ofRFtyXN6AeIHlBAb3SFCQ==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN 28434 1*
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== ADD PoQD5IM57swzKjlFkC+OEw==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN 128236 1*
     2 GMgZKqG94x3W7FJ0yrcJZg== ADD Zw+bRwIuYctDLbA1SDVYGA==.kaWqOoja4H2SFZaeXVHdhg==.JkJ9ngv//NKYi1GIrfEY2A==. A IN 128236 1*
     # ./dnsanon -i ./test.pcap -c none -f test -a all -k keyfile


It should decode EDNS0 (but that’s not supported by ldns).


Liang Zhu, USC/ISI.

TCP disassembly from DSC by Duane Wessels of The Measurment Factory and Internet Systems Consortium. Integrated into dnsanon by John Heidemann, USC/ISI.


  • 1.1, 2016-01-21: First public release.
  • 1.2, 2016-04-27: Fix build problem against ldns-devel-1.6.16 (such as for centos7).
  • 1.3, 2016-05-20: adds option to write to standard output with -o -
  • 1.4, 2016-06-02: fixes a bug where -p Q failed to output messages with ‘_qr==1’
  • 1.5, 2016-07-18: adds functionality to limit and clean up idle TCP connections
  • 1.6, 2016-09-13: fix to install process to correct install problem when not built in chroot
  • 1.7, 2017-09-19: add new -T option to report TTLs; bug fix: -o and -p; improve docs; ported to openssl-1.1
  • 1.8, 2018-05-14: BUG FIX: fix segmentation fault caused by ldns_wire2pkt with NULL pointer as payload
  • 1.9, 2018-06-20: support install_static for a static libtrace and (default) install now is dynamic libaries
  • 1.11, 2019-05-23:
    • Bugfix (some files are empty if inline compression is enabled) (bugfix)
    • Added new option to force creation of emptyfiles, even if DNS packet data is absent (improvement)
    • Update DSC TCP reassembly code to the latest release v.2.8.1 (improvement)
    • Bugfix in limiting tcp list size when running in tcp-relax mode (bugfix)
    • Code restructure and cleanup (improvement)
  • 1.12, 2021-03-15: add -R/–rtt option to report RTT from TCP connections. Code contributed by Calvin Ardi calvin@isi.edu based on idea from Giovane Moura et al (see “Old but Gold: Prospecting {TCP} to Engineer DNS Anycast (extended)”, ISI-TR-740 for details).