ANT Undergraduate Research

Project Description

The ANT Project has supported a number of undergraduate researchers through the years as part of our Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) work.


The primary supporter of our REU work is the National Science Foundation, through the ISI REU program and the USC USC SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) Program.



  • Erica Stutz, undergraduate researcher (USC/SURE Program, visiting from Swarthmore College) elstutz (at)


  • Ryan Bogutz, undergraduate researcher (ISI REU Program, visiting from The College of New Jersey)
  • David González Huerta, undergraduate researcher (Summer 2012) (USC SURE Program, visiting from UNAM)
  • Romello Goodman, undergraduate researcher (USC/SURE Program) romellogood (at)
  • Qian Kun, undergraduate researcher (SURE 2013) (USC SURE Program, visiting Tsinghua University)
  • Christopher Morales Ramos, visting summer undergraduate researcher (2018) (University of Puerto Rico)
  • Sandeep Muthu, undergraduate researcher (ISI REU Program, visiting from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli) smuthu (at)
  • Jocelyn Rodriguez, undergraduate researcher (USC/SURE Program)
  • Tarang Saluja, undergraduate researcher (ISI REU Program, visiting from Swarthmore College) tsaluja1 (at)


  • Tarang Saluja, Johnh Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin 2022. Differences in Monitoring the DNS Root Over IPv4 and IPv6. Proceedings of the National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (Portland, OR, USA, Dec. 2022), 194–203. [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • Erica Stutz, Yuri Pradkin, Xiao Song and John Heidemann 2021. Visualizing Internet Measurements of Covid-19 Work-from-Home. Proceedings of the National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (REU 2021 Symposium) (Virtual Workshop, Dec. 2021), 5633–5638. [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • Ryan Bogutz, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann 2019. Identifying Important Internet Outages. Sixth National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (Dec. 2019). [PDF] Details
  • Ryan Bogutz, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann 2019. Identifying Important Internet Outages (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-735. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] Details

For related publications, please see the ANT publications web page.


See also the see the ANT distribution web page.


We make all datasets and specifically our network outage datasets public through the LACANIC project.

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