Detecting, Interpreting, and Validating from Outside, In, and Control, Disruptive Events (DIVOICE)

Project Description

The DIVOICE project’s goal is to detect and understand Network/Internet Disruptive Events (NIDEs)—outages in the Internet.

We will work toward this goal by examining outages at multiple levels of the network: at the data plane, with tools such as Trinocular (developed at USC/ISI) and Disco (developed at IIJ); at the control plane, with tools such as BGPMon (developed at Colorado State University); and at the application layer.

We expect to improve methods of outage detection, validate the work against each other and external sources of information, and work towards attribution of outage root causes.

Our datasets are documented on our website, with details about what we provide and how it can be obtained.

DIVOICE is a joint effort of the ANT Lab involving USC/ISI (PI: John Heidemann) and Colorado State University (PI: Craig Partridge).


DIVOICE is supported by the DHS HSARPA Cyber Security Division via contract number 70RSAT18CB0000014.


  • Manaf Gharaibeh, collaborating faculty (Colorado State University CS Dept.) (currently faculty at Princess Sumaya University For Technology, Jordan; also Colorado State PhD graduate, 2020)
  • John Heidemann, PI on this project, project leader and professor (USC/ISI)
  • Yuri Pradkin, researcher (USC/ISI)


  • Guillermo Baltra and John Heidemann 2020. Improving Coverage of Internet Outage Detection in Sparse Blocks. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Eugene, Oregon, USA, Mar. 2020). [PDF] Details
  • Ryan Bogutz, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann 2019. Identifying Important Internet Outages. Sixth National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (Dec. 2019). [PDF] Details
  • Ryan Bogutz, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann 2019. Identifying Important Internet Outages (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-735. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] Details
  • Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Wes Hardaker 2019. Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 2019), to appear. [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • Kensuke Fukuda and John Heidemann 2018. Who Knocks at the IPv6 Door? Detecting IPv6 Scanning. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (2018, Oct. 2018). [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • Alberto Dainotti, John Heidemann, Alistair King, Ramakrishna Padmanabhan and Yuri Pradkin 2018. Common Outage Data Format, version 1.0. Technical Report ISI-TR-729. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] Details
  • John Heidemann, Yuri Pradkin and Guillermo Baltra 2018. The Policy Potential of Measuring Internet Outages. Proceedings of the TPRC, the Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2018). [PDF] Details
  • Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Wes Hardaker 2019. Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-734b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] Details
  • Guillermo Baltra and John Heidemann 2019. Improving the Optics of Active Outage Detection (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-733. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] Details

For related publications, please see the ANT publications web page.


See also the see the ANT distribution web page.


We make all datasets and specifically our network outage datasets public through the LACANIC project.

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