This web page documents our datasets about diurnal analysis of the
Internet. Our datasets are available upon request to
researchers at no charge.
See also:
Diurnal Changes datasets,
IP address accumulation datsets.
Relevant Publications
We have examined diurnal behavior several times
in the following peer-reviewed papers:
- PAM paper about understanding AS-level address use [1]
- IMC paper about detecting changes in human behavior [2]
- visualizing Covid-WFH detection: [3]
- technical report about detecting Covid-WFH [4]
- IMC paper about the diurnal Internet [5]
Guillermo Baltra, Xiao Song and John Heidemann 2024. Ebb and Flow: Implications of ISP Address Dynamics. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Virtual Location, Mar. 2024).
Xiao Song, Guillermo Baltra and John Heidemann 2023. Inferring Changes in Daily Human Activity from Internet Response. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 2023), to appear.
Erica Stutz, Yuri Pradkin, Xiao Song and John Heidemann 2021. Visualizing Internet Measurements of
Covid-19 Work-from-Home. Proceedings of the National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (REU 2021 Symposium) (Virtual Workshop, Dec. 2021), 5633–5638.
Xiao Song and John Heidemann 2021. Measuring the Internet during Covid-19 to Evaluate Work-from-Home. Technical Report arXiv:2102.07433v4 [cs.NI]. USC/ISI.
Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin 2014. When the Internet Sleeps: Correlating
Diurnal Networks With External Factors. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Vancouver, BC, Canada, Nov. 2014), 87–100.
Dataset from "Ebb and Flow: Implications of ISP Address Dynamics"
Dataset Name |
internet_diurnalness_a42-20201001 |
(These are just diurnal datasets from that paper.)
Dataset from "Inferring Changes in Daily Human Activity from Internet Response"
Dataset Name |
Diurnal_Changes_a39-20200101 |
Diurnal_Changes_a40-20200401 |
Datasets from Our Paper on "When the Internet Sleeps"
A12 dataset, containing 3 sites, ISI (w), CSU (c) and Japan (j), plus
supplemental data and diurnal-specific analysis:
name shortname Start Date Duration /24 Blocks
————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————- ———— ———- ————
internet_outage_adaptive_a12_diurnal-20130424 A12_diurnal 2013-04-24 35 days 3703717
internet_outage_adaptive_a12w-20130424 A12w 2013-04-24 35 days 3703717
internet_outage_adaptive_a12c-20130424 A12c 2013-04-24 35 days 3703717
internet_outage_adaptive_a12j-20130424 A12j 2013-04-24 35 days 3703717
internet_outage_adaptive_a12_supplement-20130831 -- -- -- --
For the detail formats of each dataset, please refer to the
corresponding README file at our dataset list
For related work, see our outage analysis.