Broadening DNS Research: beyond just DNS anonymization (work in progress)

Heidemann, John
USC/Information Sciences Institute


John Heidemann 2012. Broadening DNS Research: beyond just DNS anonymization (work in progress). Talk at ISC/CAIDA Data Collaboration Workshop. [PDF]


This work-in-progress talk describes our goals to expand DNS research through the use of new anonymization techniques, aggregation, controlled data access, and separating data streams. This work is joint work with Liang Zhu.


  author = {Heidemann, John},
  title = {Broadening {DNS} Research: beyond just {DNS}
                    anonymization (work in progress)},
  howpublished = {Talk at ISC/CAIDA Data Collaboration Workshop},
  month = oct,
  year = {2012},
  sortdate = {2012-10-01},
  jlocation = {johnh: pafile},
  keywords = {dns, anonymization},
  url = {},
  pdfurl = {},
  myorganization = {USC/Information Sciences Institute},
  copyrightholder = {authors},
  project = {ant, researchroot, lacrend, pinest, nipet}